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This mechanism provides a transparent way for stakeholders to raise concerns about Shayp's operations, ensuring they are addressed fairly and promptly.

Submitting a Grievance

Available Channels

Stakeholders can submit grievances through:

  1. Email: Send details to support@shayp.com
  2. Online Form: Available on our website at www.shayp.com/contact (select "Submit a concern" from the dropdown menu)
  3. In-Person: Speak directly with any manager or the CEO

Grounds for Accepting a Grievance

Shayp will accept grievances that:

  1. Relate to Shayp's operations, employees, contractors, or products/services
  2. Identify a specific concern or incident
  3. Are submitted in good faith

How Resolutions Will Be Facilitated

  1. Investigation: A designated team member will investigate the grievance.

  2. Resolution Options: Based on the investigation, we may implement:

    • Corrective action (policy changes, operational improvements)
    • Formal apology
    • Preventive measures to avoid similar issues
    • Other appropriate solutions

  3. Communication: We will communicate the resolution to the person who submitted the grievance, along with an explanation.

  4. Timeline:

    • Acknowledgment: Within 5 working days
    • Resolution proposal: Within 15 working days for standard issues
    • Implementation: As soon as practicable


We respect the privacy of all parties involved. Information will only be shared with those directly involved in resolving the issue.