Groundwater over-abstraction and unsustainable practices have led to depleted supplies. As a result, utilities are beginning to invest in AI and machine learning solutions to improve the situation. For example, you can use AI systems to monitor how much water you use, so you'll be alert to changes in usage patterns.
AI for Solving Leakages
As you are probably aware, water scarcity is a growing issue globally, and it's expected to worsen as the climate continues to change. You can reduce consumption and leakage in your business by using intelligent real-time monitoring, a cloud-based AI system that measures all aspects of usage.
By implementing AI-based water management processes in your business, you can use smart technology to reduce your consumption, improve productivity, and lower your company's carbon footprint. You'll also be able to monitor usage in real-time and assess where your business is using too much water or not enough. This helps reduce waste while increasing efficiency.
Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
1. Prevents Damage
Detecting leakages early is important for sustainability because it prevents damage to your property. Many properties are fitted with meters that allow you to measure the usage. This means you can see any leaks at a glance, and you don't need expert knowledge to tell if something is wrong. It's common for people to have a high-water bill without noticing wastages.
2. Automated Leak Detection
Automated leak detection is a process of identifying, locating, and classifying leaks in pipes. You can use many different methods and techniques to detect leaks, but AI makes it possible to do this more efficiently and accurately. In addition, techniques such as machine learning have allowed people to detect leaks much faster than before.
It works by analyzing data collected from sensors, which will allow engineers to locate where the problem is occurring and determine what type of repair needs to be done.
This technology is important because it helps companies save money on costly repairs while also protecting our environment from pollutants caused by oil spills or other environmental disasters that may occur due to leaking pipes underground.
3. Automated High Flow Rate Detection
Artificial Intelligence is now the only way to detect high flow rates in a network. High flow rate detection has long been an issue for HVAC systems. Previously, the only way to accurately detect high flow rates was by having an engineer manually open and close each valve onsite while monitoring a restricted-orifice plate on a differential pressure sensor. This process was extremely time-consuming and expensive, not to mention dangerous. However, AI is much more accurate than traditional methods of detection.
With AI, you can track the flow rate of chilled water at 50 different points throughout the building. This allows you to pinpoint exactly where there is a problem in the system without physically sending an engineer out to check every valve. The accuracy and speed of this process mean that companies can save money on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint by using less electricity when they know exactly where the problem lies within their network.
Easier Estimates and Billing
You can use AI to provide estimated usage based on historical data and asset characteristics. For example, you can easily calculate how much water your assets use with the AI tools. This allows you to set goals for reducing your usage and implement a plan to achieve them.
Let's shayp the future together
Shayp, a company specializing in water consumption reduction and water leak detection, participates in the European AI Week taking place from Monday, March 14 to Friday, March 18 2022. It is a week-long event that gathers AI researchers from all over Europe. The event's mission is to advance the field of Artificial Intelligence, which is still in its infancy. The program includes inspiring talks, workshops, new insights from research, new publications and citizen debates. During this week, organized by AI4Belgium and its many partners across Europe, everyone –expert or not- will have the opportunity to discover the fascinating perspectives of artificial intelligence worldwide.
Shayp’s AI, called ADFA, identifies pre-existing leakages within 24 hours without any manual setup or arbitrary thresholds and will immediately start informing users on how to improve the situation. As more historical data is pulled through, Shayp’s AI detects discrepancies faster, more accurately and with improved insights. Thanks to libraries and consumption disaggregation techniques, ADFA can determine, solely from water meter data, the number of leakages in buildings, when they started and what is their most likely cause. Shayp provides the first automatic holistic water efficiency reports to monitor how buildings are performing and what are the next steps.
Let’s shayp a desirable future together! If you would like to know more about Shayp and how we use artificial intelligence, visit our website!