On June 5, 2021, we celebrate World Environment Day.
Here at Shayp, we celebrate this Day as our mission is to help cities become more resilient and sustainable by saving water, our most vital resource. Bringing together innovation and sustainability, Shayp has designed a leak detection device to combat water waste in buildings. We estimate that 1 out of 3 buildings present costly leaks.
Created in 1974 at the Stockholm conference organized by the United Nations, World Environment Day is now held each year in a different country. The Day serves as a platform for businesses, governments, and non-governmental organizations to discuss a specific environmental issue. Pakistan, this year’s host country, in partnership with the UN Environment Programme, will celebrate the following theme “Ecosystem Restoration”. This edition also marks the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
What does “Ecosystem Restoration” entails?
- Restoration of lakes, rivers, and forests
- Rewilding
- Halting deforestation
- Safeguarding natural resources
At Shayp, we place our focus on water as around 80% of the world’s population risks water scarcity. We are dedicated to conserving water and encouraging better water management practices. In that spirit, we give you the 5 best water management practices in buildings.
Understand its Infrastructure
Finding the origin of a leak can be more challenging in a building with a complex infrastructure. Though the use of systems that collect and recycle rainwater should be encouraged, they require the addition of pipes, which adds to the complexity of the infrastructure.
Shayp has helped the maintenance manager of an important site find leaks. Before installing Shayp’s technology, maintenance teams would not look for leaks and would only find them by chance. With Shayp, the manager can check every day for any abnormal consumption and send maintenance staff to look for the leak. His buildings use 9000 liters of water a day and waste 2% of that amount. Thanks to Shayp, they save 180 liters of water daily, that is 5 400 liters a month.
No matter the size or complexity of your infrastructure, Shayp’s app helps you find any leak by indicating its general location.
Invest in Water Monitoring Tools
As the saying goes, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it”: water monitoring tools provide building managers with data on consumption. Empowered with this knowledge, they become better managers. Shayp’s technology provides detailed information about water consumption and alerts building managers in case of an anomaly.
Shayp’s has proved itself to be an excellent investment for a small school. On a school break, a leak resulting from a clogged toilet flush occurred. The maintenance manager was immediately alerted by Shayp’s app and repaired it. Had he waited until the next day, the leak would have cost the school €70, the cost of a normal day of consumption.
Educate Your Maintenance Staff
Water-related incidents inside ill-managed buildings can become disastrous. If the cleaning and maintenance staff are aware of the possibility of water losses, leakages are less likely to happen and if they occur, they are detected quickly.
Shayp helps the city of Brussels manage its water consumption. The city’s technical manager especially enjoys the simplicity of Shayp’s equipment and the responsiveness of Shayp’s team. Each year, the city saves 25 million liters of water and €250,000.
Involve Tenants by Raising Awareness
Tenants will likely be the first to notice any anomaly related to water use or leakage but often, they will not notify the maintenance staff. You can encourage them to become more proactive by telling them about the environmental consequences of water waste.
Reach out to Decision Makers
Water policies are as necessary to ensuring the quality of water as they are to saving it, especially since our resources in water are growing scarce. After realizing that the European Green Deal, a range of government initiatives aimed at “boosting the economy through green technology, creating sustainable industry and transport, and cutting pollution” by 2050 did not include any action related to water, Shayp decided to reach out to European leaders.
Implementing these practices can lead to significant cuts in water consumption as buildings use up to 70% of distributed water. Our water monitoring tools have helped schools, universities, and hospitals, among others, save water. Last year alone, we helped save 500 million liters of water. If you wish to learn more about Shayp’s mission or want a free demo, contact the experts at Shayp!
Happy World Environment Day!
10 years to restore our planet. 10 actions that count.
Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation (SDG 6)